How to vote

This server has a voting system.

If you vote on the above two sites,
You can now get rewards!

Since the main is the first one, you can get + 500P (in-game currency) in addition to the 「創造コイン」!
We are waiting for both votes every day!

How to edition)

Let’s register first! (If this is your first time voting)

Start Minecraft and enter the server!

Then, the verification code(認証コード) will be displayed, so type it in the verification code input screen on the previous screen!

verification code = 認証コード
Email = メール
Password = パスワード

After that, let’s register by specifying your e-mail address and password!

Then, you will receive a temporary registration completion email, so click the URL of the email to complete the registration! *Many people forget this and cannot log in.

Then log in and vote on the voting page.

Very ez!!!!